Do job interviews make you nervous? You are not alone! With some advance preparation and a few tips, you can make a great impression with an employer.
- Prepare for the Interview – Find out all you can about the organization. Ensure you are well dressed and arrive early for your interview.
- Ask yourself “Why do I want this job?”– Employers are not just looking for bodies to fill vacant positions; they want people who can bring something new and valuable to their business. Be prepared to describe why you and the business would make a great team. So do your homework.
- Be Prepared – Practice and practice more to be able to answer the most common interview questions “tell me about yourself” “what are your strengths and weaknesses” and “why should we hire you”.
- After the interview – send a thank you note and follow up by telephone. Ensure that you have references available if they are requested.
Join us for our next interview skills workshop! We also offer mock interview opportunities.