For Job Seekers

A young black woman and a young white woman, both in navy blue medical scrubs and smiling
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Goodwill Career Centres assist individuals in gaining and maintaining employment. Finding a job is difficult, so let our Career Development Specialists and Job Developers guide you through the process of planning, finding, and maintaining employment.

We are funded by Service Canada, Employment Ontario, and Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. All of our services are free.

A photo of diverse job seekers on the Goodwill blue background

Employment  Programs

Meet with a Career Development Specialist to see if you are eligible and suitable for one of the following employment programs below:

Contact Goodwill for Employment Programs:

Skills Training Programs

Meet with a Career Development Specialist to see if you are eligible and suitable for one of the following skills training programs:

Pathways to Employment Program

Do you face barriers to finding a job? The Pathways to Employment 2.0 program provides 7 weeks of paid employment skills training and 12 weeks of quality employment opportunities that include work-related support, certifications, and one-on-one coaching.


  • Between 15 – 30 years of age
  • Have a physical or mental health disability (documented or self-disclosed)
  • Not in school or working
  • A resident of the Hamilton or Halton Region with ability to attend in-person workshops in Hamilton
  • Ability to attend 7 weeks of training in-person from 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM Monday to Friday and complete related assignments
  • Eligible to work in Canada

Or call our staff for your questions:

Transitional Employment and Mentoring (T.E.A.M.)

T.E.A.M. is an 8-week program designed to assist people with disabilities obtain and identify skills, while working toward employment, volunteering, or recreational programs.

Eligibility & Requirements

  • Person with a disability (this may be self-disclosed or medically documented)
  • Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or protected person as defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
  • Legally entitled to work in Canada and Ontario
  • Participants are required to attend the program for 25 hours per week

Skills Training Experience

The program facilitates the development of skills, and knowledge through pre-employment training, education and hands on experiences.

Daily job skill workshops are offered in areas of computer training, janitorial, food services, customer service and retail to help with job readiness and life skills.

At the end of your work and skills training experience, participants are provided with an evaluation to provide guidance on the best path forward. The assessment includes pace and quality of work, ability to follow instructions, attitude, initiative, strengths and areas for improvement as well as other job-related skills.

After Completion of the Program

Upon completion, participants who are ready for employment will work with a Career Development Specialist and a Job Developer to assist with resume, interview skills and job search, assisted interviews (if needed) as well as job coaching.
Participants unable to transition into employment will receive guidance to find either volunteer or recreation opportunities.

Student Program

Students with a disability and in their final year of school will be registered with T.E.A.M. through their school co-op program. During this time the student will be assigned tasks to help identify their skills.

If it is late in the school year, students will be assisted in applying for ODSP Employment Supports. This allows Goodwill to continue to work with them to find employment.

Students who may not be quite ready for employment will be given the opportunity to stay with T.E.A.M. to continue to work towards employment (through ODSP Employment Supports).

Contact for T.E.A.M. Program:

Better Jobs Ontario

Ontario’s new Better Jobs Ontario program (formerly Second Career) may help you retrain for a new in-demand career. The objective of the Better Jobs Ontario program is to support laid off, or individuals who have been unemployed for 6 months or more, or those currently in gig work that need skills training in order help find employment. You may be eligible to apply for the Better Jobs Ontario Funding to support your training.

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

Learn how to safely use hazardous materials in the workplace and how to read the labels to protect yourself. Complete your WHMIS training and receive a certificate.

Contact Goodwill for Skills Training Programs:

Find a Job

Let our team help you through the process of obtaining work or advancing your career. As our employment services are funded, all our services are free.

Job Search Assistance

Goodwill’s job search assistance services offer you the following:

  • Help with your job search
  • Access to computers and a resource centre
  • Preparation for job interviews
  • Access to hidden job market opportunities
  • Employment plan assistance that focuses on your interests, abilities, skills, and education
  • Resume writing help
  • Job search strategies to keep you on the job search track
  • Training opportunities
  • Mentoring and support to help you maintain your job
  • Information and connection to community resources such as Newcomer Services, food banks, housing help, and more

Contact Goodwill for Job Search Assistance:

Job Board

View available jobs in the community, or submit a job posting.

Job Seeker Tools

Access Career Counselling, our Workshops series, and our free Resources for job seekers in the scrollable deck below.

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In this slide deck:

Find a Career Centre

Our Career Centres are open for in-person visits.

Goodwill Career Centre & Donation Centre


Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM, Monday-Friday

Goodwill Career & Donation Centre

Hamilton Mountain

Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM, Monday-Friday

Goodwill, The Amity Group

Hamilton Downtown

Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM, Monday-Friday

Goodwill Career Centre


Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM, Monday-Friday