Job Search Techniques For Newcomers and WES Gateway Program

A young woman in a green sweater and a black hijab holding a mug and smiling

Most newcomers to Canada bring along with them a vast amount of education, skills and experience in different fields; however, the usual end result is that all those skills and experience are lost in the maze of integration into the Canadian system.

Goodwill has identified most of the challenges and hardships our newcomer clients are facing in an effort to put their skills and experience into practice.

Goodwill Career Centre has gone the extra mile by partnering with newcomers in trying to overcome the barriers that they are faced with in their job search. We also partner with employers in order to build relationships that create confidence and trust in the skills and experience that our newcomer clients can bring to their organization. As a result of these partnerships, our clients get an opportunity to utilize their previous experience and employers create diversity in their organizations.

It is a good idea to set goals for yourself and keep track of them. The set goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-framed).

In such tough economic times with a very competitive labour market, here are some tips for our newcomer clients that have proved to be helpful to our former newcomer clients:

  • Seek help with your job search from professionals
  • Build your network beyond just friends and family. Target professional networks consistent with your targeted profession (networking is not corruption nor is it nepotism)
  • Foreign credentials must be evaluated for Canadian equivalence. Please click the World Education Services Gateway Program button below for additional information on how Goodwill Amity can assist with foreign credential evaluations from:  Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, and Venezuela.
  • Volunteering your time in the community helps build your references in your new homeland
  • If English language is an issue there are institutions that offer Language Instruction for Newcomers (LINC) or English as a Second Language (ESL) depending on your eligibility
  • Be knowledgeable of the labour laws and know your rights at work and on the job